Monday, January 22, 2018

Evolution can't even [Transfiguration; St. Matthew 17:1-9]


This is taught to us today as Jesus says,

The word Jesus uses to describe His Transfiguration is “metamorphosis”, the word we usually use for things like rocks and butterflies. In our world today, metamorphosis is used to describe an evolutionary change. You get the same bug but it has undergone such a drastic change that metamorphosis is the only way to describe it.

Evolutionists use metamorphosis, to prove that divine creation is not possible. They say that perhaps 280 million years ago, through a chance mutation, only insects, and only certain insects, developed the ability to metamorph. The reason is, that at first they all hatched from eggs as mini adult insects, but these young and the more mature were competing for the same food sources, so they needed to evolve as food became scarce.

They say that the possibility for metamorphosis was already there in the DNA, just not being used. We would argue for Irreducible Complexity, which basically means, if certain insects do not metamorph that have always used metamorphosis, then they die out. It is a complex process that is necessary for the species. You can not take it away or rewind to some point in history when it was not happening.

However, the evolutionist would say, if taken step by step, the metamorphic process can happen or not happen on its own then, of course, offering no proof for any of this. Simply put, if we believe evolution to be true, it colors our view of the rest of the world, as in this case of Jesus metamorphing. If evolution is our worldview, then what Jesus has is already inside everyone, so there is no need for Jesus to give us this glory or go to the cross, because the process of evolution will eventually lead us to it.

To be fair, the point of evolution is not to be a worldview, but it is, so people can’t help but have their opinions colored by this view. There is no such thing as “strictly for science”. What we practice and what we study is how we view and behave in the real world. Thus, if we already have inside us what Jesus needs in order to be worshipped by angels, shepherds, and wise men; if it is natural for us to be baptized by a dove splitting the heavens; if we too have the potential for natural glowing skin, then what is the use for Jesus?

In the evolutionary view of the world, not only is dormant complexity already inside all things, but they have the computer generated models, that they wrote, to prove it. The supernatural is not needed to pick up the pieces of a broken heart or to improve the devastated lives of victims of socialism. All it takes are hands and hearts of regular people working with the happiness already inside them.

Yet this is the hypocrisy. Viewing life and others through the lens of evolution has brought no good to daily life.

Repent. Contrary to the evolutionary worldview, life does matter, but we all are starving for life. Jesus has come on the scene exactly because we are lacking in anything that is good in every way, shape, and form. When we look inside ourselves, we don’t see potential, but filthy, corrupt hearts.

In the evolutionary worldview, life is optional, because room needs to be made for the fit, so necessarily the unfit must die. This view spills over from science into real life relationships. When one is not fit to live, i.e. an infant or the elderly, then they are killed off to make room for the new, supposedly meta, more-fit beings.

The Christian worldview is completely the opposite. It is Jesus Who takes the small and the foolish to confound the great and the wise. God Almighty becomes an infant, unfit to live on His own, in order to save the world. The Ancient of Days becomes poorer than the poor and needy in order to raise them to the highest heights of heaven. Our heavenly Father is euthanized for the greatest good: the forgiveness of sins.

The Kingdom of heaven is opposed to the power and wisdom of the world, simply because He chooses to act in a simple and humble way. While the world is looking for Superman, the Lord of Creation humbles Himself to be born of a virgin. While the world is looking for a cure, the Cure of Souls hangs on a cross for them.

What humanity lacks is the divine image inside them and outside them. We can not look inside ourselves and find the Metamorphosis needed to accomplish faith, hope, and charity. It has to be given to us and it has to be received by Faith. Faith is now the ruling mutation that not only changes a person, but regenerates him into the true Person, Jesus Christ. So really its not a mutation at all.

In this way the Statue of Liberty is correct. Her assessment of who all need to be rescued is exactly the people Jesus gathers into His Church: “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” These cast offs that are not worth time and money. These wretched refuse, these homeless, these tempest-tost.” All that the world deems unfit, the Lord brings into His kingdom.

Christ comes to bring down the mighty and exalt the lowly. He has come to rescue those who need rescuing. He has come to heal those who need healing. If humanity has everything it needs already within it, then Jesus did not come for humanity. It takes much more faith to believe in 13 billion years and many more chance mutations, than to believe that Jesus is God and man.

His transfiguration is not the Son of God showing off what humanity is truly capable of. His transfiguration is Him showing what He is going to endure and accomplish for humanity. True mutation, true evolution is found in God, but it is backwards, not forwards. For God becomes a man and then becomes a worm, on the cross. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, causes the old sinful nature of death and destruction to be taken away until nothing is left but the faith of Jesus.

In the Transfiguration we are shown, not what humanity can do, but Who it is that is born of a virgin, suffered under Pontius Pilate, is crucified, died and is buried. We see that this transfigured God-man will be the one to fully confront sin, death, and the devil and, no matter that it looks like a defeat to us, He will win and purchase the forgiveness of sins.

Not only will He win, but this same transfigured Jesus will be the One to bring all of us with Him. We will not be left to evolutionary devices, but we are exalted to His side and incorporated into His Body. The same body that died and rose again, feeds us even this day.

Because of the transfiguration and sacrifice Jesus made, the Christian’s worldview is different. Now a life is a life, no matter how small, because that life is worthy to receive the forgiveness of sins from the hand of his Creator.

There is no forgiveness in the world and its evolution; no mercy. There is no hope in 13.7 billion years or chance metamorphosis. All is vanity. All except what God has wrought Himself, purchasing forgiveness in His true Body and true Blood.

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