Tuesday, January 7, 2025

No other gods [The Epiphany]



  • Isaiah 60:1-6

  • Ephesians 3:1-12

  • St. Matthew 2:1-12

Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.
Who speaks to you today saying:
“behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’”
Epiphany is here, recorded in God’s Word, in order to show the completion and fulfillment of His First Commandment. That God has made for himself a graven image and likeness to be worshipped by us. In order that, not only do we point to Jesus against all other false gods, but invite our neighbors to the God Who Shows Himself.
There were, maybe 42 kings total, for Israel and Judah up to the Babylonian exile. Post-exile, there was never a real return to kingship, until the Maccabees and their descendants seemed to be forced into the role following Alexander the great, then the coming Romans.
In other words, Herod was no true king of David’s line. Even the dynasty before him only came from a line of priests, allegedly. Herod was a puppet of the Roman state, promising allegiance if they would give him the title “king of the jews”. His family came from Edom, the sons of Esau, which gave up the faith way back in Isaac’s time. 
“Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe:”, the Lord says in Psalm 60:8.
In other words, when the wise guys from the east, announced they were looking for a king, we can be quite confident that they were not searching for a regular king. Not only was there corruption in the current kingship, but there would have been enough kings of the past to be excited over. Nostalgia, if you will. Why this “king”? Why now?
The entire world seeks after “god”, though they don’t admit it. Either they want the highest power to approve them and their choices, over and against you, or they want to have the power themselves and claim some sort of transcendence which qualifies them as the authority, not you. 
“they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator”, says the Lord in Romans 1:25. We’ll get to what that truth is in a moment, but first, false gods are a lie. We must lie to ourselves and choose objects of wood, stone, or flesh to pretend to be gods for us.
There is nothing else. 
All lifestyles are religious lifestyles.
When we think about “having other gods”, as our 1st Command speaks to, we usually think of the “golden calf” incident. If that’s the only idols we have to be worried about then that’s easy. Those stupid Hebrews. How silly of them to think that a gold statue was god. Ha-ha.
Not so fast. The idea was from God. Before Aaron made the golden calf, it had already been prescribed that bulls would be used to offer atonement before God for all sins. So what better to remind and teach of that than a golden calf, a pure, eternal symbol of that atonement? Very logical.
But Aaron says, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!”, in Exodus 32:4. The mighty God Who performed all those wonders in the face of everyone. And He’s a calf and not a mature, strong bull?? Who’s idea was that? 
If we’re going to make gods for ourselves, they better be the epitome of strength. Like the Hindu’s Shiva, with four arms, or Vishnu with four or possibly more! Who knows? Or better yet, the Egyptians with their half-animals, because animals are fiercer and stronger than humans. Or maybe we make the humanoid gods, like the Olympians, and just make them super-strong. 
Or best of all, and this is where we are today, we just say that our gods are beyond all description and beyond all perception. We can’t even comprehend them, so don’t even try to ask questions about them or think too hard. We can’t even depict them in art or statues in order to relate to them, so don’t even try or we’ll cut your hand off.
In fact, best to worship either in silence or an empty room. Emptiness is best, because then you really feel your insignificance and the feebleness of your senses. And that’s the lesson you pay for. As long as you don’t disagree with the one preaching, you will be fine. I mean, really. How can you question the unquestionable?
Repent. So what do Christians do? We adopt this very same program. We kidnap God out of His heaven and demand Him to be ponderable as we stare at blank walls, infinite geometric patterns, or our own mirrors. We violently bring God down and declare “He is unlike”, but accessible for the right fee. 
In a room with nothing but white walls, what do you think about? How do you worship? Just because there is nothing around, does not mean you are fulfilling the first commandment on your own. Your “nothing” becomes your god and the nothing is filled with you and your self-worship.
How the Lord Jesus puts an end to this sinful nonsense is, He shows up. He shows up, not as the full-grown, powerful bull, but the son of the bull, the calf. The Son, The Holy One. It is this Messenger from God Who will fulfill God’s own righteousness. 
At the official installation of Aaron as High Priest, he was ordered to prepare a calf for his sin offering, to make atonement for himself and for the people he was to preach to and teach. Every other sin offering commanded was of adult bulls, except this first one for Aaron. Why?
Because, it was no adult appearing suddenly from heaven who would save the people from their sins and rule over their atonement. It was to be a child, The Son of the Most High, as Gabriel put it (Luke 1:32). And even the Hebrews, fresh from Egypt knew it. The Father was not going to come down, bringing His death-inducing lightning and fire, from atop the mountain. He would send a man, first foreshadowed by Moses, then in the flesh in Jesus.
It would be no golden scepter, golden idol, or golden boy that would appear for the magi to worship, but the Father’s Son Himself, God and man, Jesus Christ. The Hebrews almost got it right. Herod wanted himself to be right no matter what, and we want to be right of ourselves. Yet, that sinfulness only gets us part of the way to understanding.
We seek power, God seeks service. We seek infinity, God hides in finitude. We want the unexplainable, God draws near to speak His own truth. “Come now”, says the Almighty in Isaiah 1:18, “and let us reason together”. How do you reason with God, if not face to face with mouths and voices? 
And what does the almighty wish to discuss with His sinful creatures? Wrath? Judgement? Who is greatest among you? He continues in Isaiah, “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool, thus saith the Lord”.
The Lord wants to speak of atonement and He wants your attention focused on the Atonement Himself: Jesus. In order to accomplish that, He has given you such a brain that you can imagine scenes in your head that you have never witnessed. Someone can tell you about an event you were never at, and you can see it in your head.
And seeing it in your head you can believe what is said to you, because you can relate to the witness. Jesus comes in the flesh, your own flesh that you recognize on Him: 2 eyes, ten fingers, eleven toes…
And seeing God in the flesh, then gives strength to your belief. That because He is man, he is trustworthy and believable. If He were a triangle, He’d be suspicious. If He had ten arms, He’d be feared, but not loved. If He was invisible, of what use He to the visible?
God gives your mind focus. When you hear of the Golden Calf, you scoff, because you know that a golden calf doesn’t look like Jesus. When you hear of the “king of the jews”, you know Herod isn’t Jesus. When you come to Church and hear of light, scenes you’ve never seen, and a statue of the man Jesus, you know you don’t worship all this, but you also know that this is probably what it looks like right now.
Instead of having to fabricate a graven image for yourself, or pretend you don’t have any, God gives you His image and likeness. When you stare at a blank wall, or blank canvas, or blank cross your mind goes blank and tries to fill in the blank, all with disastrous, sinful results. 
God puts His Body in front of you so that there is no question Who we are seeking and Who we are worshipping. It is Jesus, the Crucified. Born of the Virgin, pierced by nail and spear, and buried only to rise again with those holy wounds intact. 
God describes Himself in such detail, that you can imagine Him, draw Him, and picture Him. God allows Himself to be investigated in such a way. He is not lessened because He is pictured, like Allah or Mohammed. Instead, He is glorified because of what He has done.
For our images of our Lord are not arbitrary. In fact, we would have no idea who it is that is front and center on our Altar were it not for His wounds. The image tells a heavenly story. We would not know the who or what of any other depiction we have in Church, were it not for the Word of God describing it in such detail that there is no doubt.
It is a sin to say that God is indescribable, if it means that Jesus must be thrown out. And if you are involved with people who are trying to get you to believe that that is God’s main feature, that is a false religion of the devil. “Who’s to say what god really says”, they teach, “he’s indescribable. Just believe me, bro.”
It is good, right, and true to seek the Crucified Who retained the description of His wounds even in His resurrection. His Body is proof and He puts it in front of you. And this is the Truth about God: that He can be found in His earthly Sacraments, just as He was found in earthly trappings by the Magi. 
They sought Him on earth and brought Him earthly gifts, and they were accepted by Jesus Himself! God made man. The Word Made Flesh. Discoverable, knowable, describable and able to be handled by His people through faith, by Grace, for Christ’s sake alone.

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