Monday, December 4, 2017

True News [Advent 1; St. Matthew 21:1-9]


Jesus speaks to you today, in His Gospel, saying:

In our brave new world of fake news, the fake news outlets are trying to ban the term “fake news” and they have the money and the lawyers to get it done. Now, this should frighten you because they’re using the money you give them by watching their programming. But are you going to believe your rural back-woods pastor over professionally trained journalists?

This brings us to the most alarming part of this whole modern controversy: who is telling the truth? And nowhere do we see this brought forward more vividly than in this recent run of sexual allegations, where we are all just one accusation away, false or true, from complete ruination.

For, on one side you have the accusations, which do not have to be true in order to ruin someone’s career and life. They just have to be a rumor. I think Jesus talks about gossip somewhere…

However, on the other side you have real victims who are now being discredited because of all the fake victims. It is to the point in our media that we do not know who is telling the truth. We don’t wait for facts. We don’t wait for due process. In post-modern America, you are guilty until proven innocent and even proven innocence will not get you your life back.

Today, the backwards, back-woods Church lit a candle, people would say almost as effective and “thoughts and prayers”. Yet, that candle is lit in the darkness of lies and deception. In lighting that candle, you as a church, have declared war on fake news, because you believe in the News of the Son of God.

Indeed, the Church has its own news outlet: the prophets and the Apostles. This small candle represents all of the Old Testament that has gone before us in history. Not myth, not legend, not fake news, even if everyone wants you to believe it is fake.

Today, this Advent candle is lit for St. Jeremiah, whose book I highly recommend. Jeremiah says that a king is needed in order that wisdom, justice, and righteousness be executed in the land, because as of right now, its not. And the “Christian” “scholars” will say, but Jeremiah is fake news and his book is a myth, not even written by him.

And they will give you proof. Believable proof. Proof that would, if possible, lead astray the elect. You think you can smell the devil and his lies from a mile away, but he is 10 times the pastor your pastor is and he is 10 times the scholar.

Jesus says, “Go into the village in front of you and you will find a donkey tied and her colt.” And immediately, the apostles can go and confirm this bit of news Jesus has told them and be amazed. Wow. A donkey. Just as He said!

Likewise, St. Jeremiah can be justified by saying Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell securely, by simply offering the end of the Babylonian exile as proof of his future sight. Wow. A return from exile. To a scorched earth country. Yay…

St. Jeremiah can not stand on his own and neither can the Apostles. There is, as of yet, nothing spectacular to believe in much less die for, in what Jeremiah or Jesus is saying or doing. That is yet to come.

For, Jesus is not just telling prophesies about donkeys or villages or kings or exiles. He is living them out. In the actual and accurate eyewitness account of St. Matthew, Jesus is not just riding a donkey on a lovely spring day. He is mounting His warhorse and marching upon the darkness of lies and deceit which say He is not the Son of God.

For this Palm Sunday and Advent 1 Sunday reading is Jesus beginning His suffering for the entire world. You believe this because Jesus had just finished telling His disciples, before the donkey, this: See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.”

It is in this true news that St. Jeremiah’s “return from exile” is not just to the geographical state of Israel, but towards the incorporation of forgiven sinners into the body of Christ. It is in this true news that Jesus marches towards His own death, on a donkey, for your eternal life and allows His detractors their fake news, because He has something they don’t have: a Resurrection.

A resurrection that no one in the history of the cosmos has ever had or ever will have, until the Last Day. Some may have written about a similar resurrection, but the only eyewitness proof conclusively offered is that of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John. All other resurrections have thousands or hundreds of years between the event and the book. Jesus’ resurrection account has only single digits.

St. Matthew is a historically, verifiable and true news source. It accurately reports the truth better than any ancient document, including Jeremiah. What brings them both together is the God-man Jesus Christ Who verifiably comes back from the dead.

Jeremiah is true because the Crucified Son of God says its true. St. Matthew is true, not because of historical accuracy, but because the Branch of Jesse has sprouted, hanged on a tree, and gives life to His Church even in this age. The truth is not that St. Jeremiah is right or even that St. Matthew is right. The truth is that Jesus is right and gives the Good News that you are now right; right with God in Him.

Which is why you put your money where your mouth is and support this, your church and not fake news. Because in this place, against all other places on earth, you invest in truth; the Truth, who is Christ our Lord. It is here that heavenly transactions occur, not just in treasure, but in salvation.

You cannot be saved in your closet. You cannot believe at your sporting events. You cannot have faith at the foot of a manger scene. You are only saved in Christ. You only believe at His Word. You only have faith, because He hands it out to you in Body and Blood.

And the Light of the World prepares you to receive Him in Baptism, in the Gospel, and in His Supper. He shows you His death and His resurrection so that when you finally get to the manger, you will not just see fake news or even feel-good news, but the Body and Blood of Christ, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of your sins.

All of which has yet to be disproved by thousands of years of scholarship, media, and marketing. Take heart, dear Christian, for God’s own Child joins you to Him in mercy which proves how greatly God loves you. The hour has come for you to wake from sleep. Salvation is at hand.

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