Monday, September 5, 2022

Blessed infirmity [Trinity 12]



  • Isaiah 29:17-24

  • 2 Corinthians 3:4-11

  • St. Mark 7:31-37


To you all, the Elect Exiles of the Dispersion; may Grace and Peace be multiplied to you (1 Pet)
Who speaks to you today, from His Gospel heard in His Church, saying: 
“And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and they begged him to lay his hand on him.”
Today, the Gospel presents to us a man who cannot hear or speak and in a way, this man was lucky. He was kept from hearing the evils of this world and was able to keep his tongue tamed, which no man can do, according to James 3:8.
But this guy did it! He fulfilled God’s Word. He obeyed perfectly, by being unable. A Blessing! A blessing from the Lord. God be praised.
What about his hearing? “Thus says the Lord of hosts”, in Jeremiah 23, “‘Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They speak a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord’” (v. 16).
And “An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue” (Pro 17:4) and he is already a man of wicked lips, surrounded by a people of wicked lips. Thus, his tongue not working, he is in no danger of this grievous sin as well.
So when his buddies, I assume they're buddies, bring him to Jesus, they are doing him a disservice. They should leave him in his infirmity and he will be blessed according to the Word of God we just heard.
Indeed, if God had wanted a perfect world, He should have created all of us dead. Then we could at least find this blessing from Revelation 14, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on” (v. 13). No hearing. No seeing. No sinning. Heaven!
Where is the lie? Tell me.
Oh you don’t want to be deaf, dumb, or dead? Why? Because it’s not fun? Because it gets in the way of what you want to do? Because you should be able to live the life you want to, no matter what anyone tells you?
Well, you’re half-right. If you were all those things or dead, you would be breaking other charges from God such as “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17) and Psalm 71:15, “My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and of Your salvation all day long; For I do not know the sum of them.”
Repent! How are you going to live your truth-filled and righteous life now? You cannot tell the difference between good and bad. God’s Word has spoken and you cannot tell which part of life He wants from you. Jesus further complicates matters in the Gospel reading by saying “tell no one” and these zealots don’t even listen, but kept on telling the story.
If you rely on the works of the Law of God, you are under this curse (Gal 3:10) and whoever “does the commandments shall live by them” (Rom 10:5). Live by them, perfectly, mind you. Not according to your standard of living, but God’s. 
Can this deaf and dumb man live such a life of perfection and un-cursed-ness? Yes, he can. But in order to do that, he needs the Ministry of Righteousness, which our Epistle taught us. He does not need glory, for the Ministry of the Law, of Death, had such glory that it was carved in stone by God’s finger, caused Moses’s face to shine brightly that the people couldn’t look at him, and came with miracles and wonders.
In Christ, however, there is no distinction. You could be perfectly able to fulfill all of God’s Laws and yet be on your way to hell in a handbasket. You could be perfectly miserable, with every disease and misfortune and yet be on your way to paradise and not know it. Or the opposite could be true. 
This confusion is only according to the covenant of the letter, the Law, which is 50/50 for you at the Judges’ bench. The covenant of the Spirit is 100%, gives life, and has a glory that far surpasses the Law.
This covenant is in Christ’s Body and Blood. Literally. It does not come through sincere effort or dedication, look at our deaf and dumb man! It comes the same way Jesus came to this man from our Gospel. First, it must be brought or you must be brought to it. There is no getting to it on your own, as we have already said.
Second, your brokenness, your curse of God’s Law, must be removed. Jesus must open and release you. He must create in you Faith in order that you be able to hear and believe His New Covenant. It is only after all that, that…
Thirdly, you then speak plainly. Not “plainly” as in “just like normal”, but plainly as in correct belief. Meaning, your speaking will not include the wickedness of lying lips, your hearing will reject evil, and your new life in Christ will give praise to God constantly and perfectly, according to His merits.
How? Because your sufficiency is from Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Your competence to be ministers of this new covenant comes from the One Who became a curse for you and hung on a tree. Through Christ offering Himself upon the cross, that spotless life, you are redeemed from insufficiency. 
But that is just the beginning. Christ’s suffering and death purchased and won sufficiency for you, but now it is the Spirit Who Gives Life and will feed it to you. The benefits of the mercy and glory of God’s New Covenant are found in Word and Sacrament. 
Look at the Gospel again. What healed the man? Christ’s mighty word of creation, “Be opened”! From nothing He creates something. But that’s not all. Christ touched this man. Jesus includes His fingers and His spit, along with His voice, to accomplish this mighty work.
What heals you today? Nothing different. You must still hear, so your ears are opened when the Gospel is preached in its purity, and in it find that your sins are forgiven, regardless of your life, your state at the moment, or your opinion on the matter. 
You must also be touched. That is that you must come into contact with God Who heals you. And not in an abstract, self-induced hallucination way. The Way God wants you to, that is through the Body and Blood of His only Begotten Son. Just like the Gospel!!
And finally you must also speak. You must also be given the words of plain faith and belief. You must sing and pray and praise. Your words must be of Christ, our intercessor and mediator of this New Covenant. So His Church gives you those words. 
You sing them in every hymn, you confess them in every prayer, and you repeat them in every Creed. These important words-to-be-spoken are not left a mystery for you to uncover, somehow. They are freely given, plain as day. The Lord gives the Word. The Lord gives the means. You are cared for and blessed.
This man from the Gospel did not have to be healed in order to be made perfect in front of God. He could have spent the rest of his life as he was, because his sufficiency did not come from how great his life was, but from how great God is.
And not just any God, the God Who works wonders, yes, but the God Who chiefly works the wonder of being made man and suffering and dying on the cross. It is through this, His greatest wonder, that you are no more ashamed of or grow pale from what the world, the devil, and your sinful nature has done to you.
Dear Christians, you must now consider yourself as better than this deaf and dumb man. Not in a smug way, because truly you are worse than him according to your sins. But you are better than him in that you do not see and yet you believe. 
You are better because today you don’t just receive fingers and spit from Jesus, but Body and Blood. You are better because the Lord of the Universe comes today to sit at the Feast of Salvation and commune with you in His Church. 
And yet, you are brothers in faith. Equals! The same Faith that heals in the Gospel is the same faith that heals you today. The same Lord over all Who performs miracles, gives you that same power in the forgiveness of your sins in His Body and Blood given and shed for you.
Do not be fooled into thinking there is a better life for you if you would have only done things different, or not forgotten prayer, or just went to church that one time when you swore you would. Your best life ever is the one you have right now, for not only is it a gift from God, no matter what it looks like, but it is redeemed by God, renewed by God, and placed in the Ministry of the Spirit by the grace of God.

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