Monday, November 15, 2021

Jesus, the Actor [Trinity 26]

  • Daniel 7:9-14

  • 2 Peter 3:3-14

  • St. Matthew 25:31-46

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 1)
So, Jesus speaks to us today in His Penultimate Gospel and says,
“Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”
Though there is righteousness and holiness and goodness abounding in our Gospel reading for today, our primary thought is how to be a sheep and not a goat. We see the King seated in judgement and we think that He graciously reveals beforehand what’s on the test so that we can pass it. 
Giving food to those who are hungry. Giving drink to those who are thirsty. Giving welcome to those who are strangers. Giving clothes to those having none. Giving comfort to those suffering in sickness and peace to those suffering in prison.
And these follow quite nicely on the coattails of Jesus words: “Sell everything you have and give it to the poor” (Mt 19:21). For, if you sell all you have then you will have money for extra food. In fact, you don’t need the extravagant lifestyle you are living right now anyways. 
You can learn to be happy and live with less. Your grandmother and great-grandmother did it. They survived the “Great Depression” with just a garden and some chickens. No big screen TVs, no game days, no cell phones. Just people living in the moment and being decent. What a nicely laid out plan. Thank you God.
But this holy compassion of yours dies miserably when someone cries out, “Black lives matter” or some other social justice chant. Then your charity stops, your heart closes, and your mind turns antagonistic. “All lives matter”, or something else “clever”, is the response. But that is not what Jesus says to you today. 
He says the “least of these lives” matter. And if someone is suffering and in pain, wouldn’t they fall under this category? Yes, social movements can get out of hand and violence should be opposed, but don’t you think they started because someone was hurting?
Jesus says today that hungry lives matter, thirsty lives matter, hospitality matters, sick lives matter, and imprisoned lives matter. Jesus intentionally goes out of His way to help  specific groups of people — the alienated, mistreated, and those facing injustice. It is of course, the Christian thing to do, is it not?
And the trap has sprung. Your mind and heart have been ensnared and you are caught in a loop of self-doubt and self-loathing. You know you need to love your neighbor as yourself, but you just can’t bring yourself to help the “other side”. You have heard God’s demands and you reject them
Repent. There is nothing satan loves more than being able to toy with your moral sensibilities, especially when he can throw God’s Word into the mix. You see the hungry and you pass them by. You see the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned and you cast the responsibility upon someone else, for a few pieces of silver.
The hard truth of the world is that No Lives matter. Not yours, not “theirs”, and not even the alienated, mistreated, and those facing injustice. Why? Because all lives are sinful lives caught up in the never ending loop of self-importance and self-justification. You and the demons seem to think that simply by completing this little list from our Gospel reading, that you will have attained righteousness.
In other words, you have heard the Gospel all wrong. 
In the first place, what verbs in the Gospel could you possibly even conceive of being in your hands to mold to your own actions? Where in the reading is God commanding anything of you, in order that you earn an inheritance or even become sheep?
Jesus is the Son of Man, coming in His Glory, not you. He is sitting, He is gathering, separating, placing, and speaking. Jesus is the only one Who is doing the actions here and by thinking there was morality and justice to be gained, you lost it.
The morality and justice to be gained here is by hearing and believing that Jesus is the Son of God. It is not receiving wages for some goodness you think you created, but a handing out of inheritance. The Christian is not a hired hand doing good and seeking justice in the world. The Christian is an heir, by rights. That is by the rights of Christ. And anyway, you don’t earn an inheritance.
Look to our Introit, Gradual, and Alleluia Verse. God saves me. God hears my prayer. God helps. God upholds and He delivers. In the Gradual, God calls to heaven and earth, that He may judge. And finally in the Alleluia, the Lord ransoms. Jesus is doing all the actions.
In the second place, Jesus is not describing a plan of human action, but a plan of His divine action. Do you not remember our Lord’s words from the cross, “I thirst” (Jn 19:28)? Do you not remember that Jesus ate with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes (Mt 9:11)? That He was the Stranger that came to His own and His own received Him not (Jn 1:11)? Or that they stripped Him before His crucifixion (Jn 19:23), or that He was sick unto death, the death of the cross (Phil 2:8), or that He was locked up in the prison of the Tomb and death?
It is Jesus’ life that matters. He is the One without sin and the only one to receive an inheritance from God. He is the Beloved Son Who does all His Father commands. He stays pure among every sin and even remains God in death.
What this means is that no matter how hard someone tries, unless Jesus choses him, he will remain in his sin. Unless Jesus turns someone into a sheep, he will never be a sheep. Unless Jesus gives faith, mercy, and life there will be none. Jesus alone has everything.
What our Gospel reveals to us today is the Gospel that Jesus will sit in Glory giving gifts. That is Christ’s glory. He is a Giver of gifts to men. In the glory of His death and resurrection for sinners, He purchases and wins an eternal inheritance for you, for free, for His Name’s sake.
Truly His Judgment seat is a Seat of Mercy. Though sin forces Him to judge, His true purpose is to suffer and die that He might hand out the benefits of His life and His actions. He comes to forgive, to seek, and to save. This is why He describes Himself in this way today. Not so that we simply ape Him, but so that we find Him!
The one True God will be serving. That is how we find Him. We find the seat of mercy where the kingdom of heaven is being handed out to forgiven sinners. We find the inheritance where the Son of God is truly given in Word, Baptism, and His Supper. We find the camp of sheep when we believe that Christ has given us faith to do so.
We do not make ourselves “sheep”. Jesus makes sheep. He gives faith to goats and turns them into sheep. He baptizes sinners and turns them into sons. He communes with rebels and renames them “blessed by my Father”. 
Jesus says, “For you have the poor with you always” and the hungry and the thirsty, the unclothed, the sick, the imprisoned, and also social problems. There will always be those things around you, not just to show a sinful, corrupt world to you, but to give you a neighbor. So do good to him.
“But Me you do not have always”, Jesus continues in St. Matthew 26:11. You will always have opportunity to do good to those who hate you, but churches come and go. Who’s to say Jesus will be in Accident forever? 
The difference is, in God’s presence He is the One doing Good. He is the Servant in Divine Service and His inheritance He hands out, even this day, in water and Word, Bread and Wine, Body and Blood. For He is not just “everywhere”. He is seated in Glory handing out the Kingdom of God in Word and Sacrament.
So Jesus’ Life matters and now, with His death and resurrection for all flesh, all lives do matter, for His sake. Not because some politician says so, but because God dies for all and all are deserving and made worthy to receive forgiveness in Christ. All lives matter because Jesus’s life matters, you have been baptized into that Life, and now, as sheep, get to lay down your own lives.
Jesus creates worth and gives worth to everyone. Even to you.

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